Auxilio Robotics

At Auxilio Robotics, my MRSD capstone project team, I am working on a low-risk elderly assistance robot called Alfred. Alfred is a mobile robot that can navigate in indoor environments, and can perform tasks such as fetching objects, schedule reminders, engage with people, and more. I am working on the ROS infrastructure of the robot, and developing the human-robot interaction stack.

We recently made a visit to Vitalia Smart Senior Living at North Olmstead near Cleaveland, Ohio, to test our robot with the elderly. We received a lot of positive feedback, and are now working on improving the robot based on the feedback we received. Our visit was featured in a news article by Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science. You can read the article: CMU SCS News - CMU Team Explores Future of Caregiving With Assistive Robot.

We are a team of 5, advised by Prof. Zackory Erickson (CMU Robotics Insitute) and Prof. Yonatan Bisk (CMU Language Technologies Institute). Our team members are:

  1. Abhinav Gupta
  2. Atharva Pusalkar
  3. Praveen Venkatesh
  4. Shaolin Kataria
  5. Shivam Tripathy

Read our Critical Design Review Report (CDRR):